Uso básico

Basic IRC Commands

Leaves a message indicating that you are currently not paying attention to IRC. When someone sends you a message, they will automatically see your away message. Using /AWAY with no message marks you as no longer being away and removes your previous message.

example:  /away Off to get something to eat, back in a moment.


/invite nickname #channel - Invites a nickname to a channel that you are on.


/join #channel - Joins the specified channel. - example:  /join #irchelp


/list [#channel] [-MIN #] [-MAX #]

Lists currently available channels. You can also tell mIRC to show only channels with a minimum and a maximum number of people. If you specify a #channel then mIRC will only list information for that channel. If you specify wildcards, eg. *mirc* then mIRC will list all channels that contain the word mirc in them.

 example:        /list

example:        /list -min 5 -max 20

example:        /list #mirc

example:        /list *mirc*


/me message - Sends an action message to the current channel or query window. To send an action message to a specific channel or nickname, see the /describe command.


/msg nickname message - Sends a private message to nickname without opening a query window.


/nick nickname - Changes your nickname to a new nickname.


/notice nickname message - Sends a private message to nickname without opening a query window for either you or them.


/part #channel - Leaves a channel that you are on.


/privmsg nickname message - Sends a private message to nickname that will open a query window for the other user.


/query nickname message - Opens a query window to this nickname and sends them a private message.


/quit [message] - Disconnects you from IRC and will give the optional message as the reason for your departure. (this message only appears to people who are on the same channels as you).


/topic #channel newtopic - Changes the topic for a channel that you are on.


/whois nickname - Shows you information about a nickname.

/msg Chan Help

/msg Nick Help